WACOM - TTX Brežice (SI) 12.5.2022- held


On 12th of May 2022 the first of the tabletop exercises planned in the WACOM was held in Brežice (SI). The basic aim was to enhance transboundary cooperation between relevant institutions which are included in the emergency response. The scenario of the emergency situations was focused to the derailment of the freight train, which transports several wagons diesel oil. In the scenario, the derailment of the train causes that 250 tons of diesel-oil leaks into the Sava River. More than 50 participants from the operational centers of civil protection, Drava-Water Management Company Ptuj together with WACOM project partners tested the decision-making process in case of such accident.

During the exercise the participants got an information about big accident in factory Melamin in Kočevje (SI) with fatal casualties. This event made all participants even more aware of the importance of their work and efforts to be always well prepared for emergency situations. This is the only way that the efficiency and successful response to accidents in a complex cross-border environment could be improved.

The tabletop exercise was well covered by press. The articles were published on the web sites of SEEbiz, EKovjestnik, Ekologija grada and Media Servis Radio Agency in Croatia, while in Slovenia on Radio Krka and Radio Brežice, Naš stik, Dolenjski list, Posavski obzornik, Telex  and I feel Dolenjska.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)