
From 17 to 18 May 2022, the Czech city Jihlava will host International Conference on Transforming Urban and Active Mobility, called also CityChangers 2030 Conference. 

People in Europe recognize they wish to live in safe, comfortable, and visually pleasant towns and cities. We all want to breathe fresh air, live active lives and not be stressed by noise. As a continent, we expect to be climate neutral by 2050 and that's why we need to change the way we approach mobility and public space issues.

The Czech Republic is a country of short distances where every second trip is shorter than 4km and using a mix of railways and active mobility is a logical travel choice. Therefore, both the existing transport infrastructure and the urban public space need to be transformed, so that the needs for zero-emission mobility as well as the needs of people who want to move around and meet in public space are considered.

The two-day meeting of key partners from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Serbia and other countries in Jihlava will focus on key sustainability issues based on the support and development of transport and the ideal organization of public space in relation to mobility. 

On Tuesday, 17 May 2022, Klaus Machata from SABRINA project partner Austrian Road Safety Board (Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit) will talk about Cycling safety in the European context. He will present the activities and some results of the SABRINA project. The programme is full of interesting sessions and is available HERE. Amongst the presenters will be also Gregor Steklačič, Slovenian national cycling coordinator from the Ministry of Infrastructure which is a project partner in the Danube Cycle Plans project and associated strategic partner in the project SABRINA, and Jitka Vrtalova from the Partnership for Urban Mobility, a partner in both projects.

The languages of the conference are Czech and English with simultaneous translations provided. The event will take place in a hybrid mode. Registrations for online participation are still open. Register HERE and join us online. The life stream of the conference will be available on these links: Day 1 - English, Day 1 - Czech, Day 2 - English, Day 2 - Czech. More information about the conference is available on the official webpage. The conference is organized by the Partnership of Urban Mobility, a project partner in the project SABRINA and project Danube Cycle Plans.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)