CINEMA - Workshops on Business Model Development for the CI in Resita/Romania


For Hala Minda, the pilot location situated in Reșița/Romania, this year the aim is to ensure sustainability through the development of 3 separate business models using the same space and the same resources consisting of the following components. In this regard, preparation activities have been done  for 3 workshops to be held at the pilot location in a very flexible way, adapting the content and the format to the specific needs of the stakeholders. These are planned to take place in May & June 2022. The first workshop called Competence centre & production will take place on 5th of May and will involve local companies whose main object of activity is metal processing, the ones who had the courage to open themselves to the area of creating art works, based on models created by the artists to our metal carving camp (ReMetal 2021). This workshop will also target the definition of a management model for ensuring the sustainability of the ‘’competence centre and production’’ component. The second one, „Cafeteria – Kitchen Lab”, is programmed to take place on 13th of May and the goal is to build up the CI „spirit” and Resita as a destination for CI. This workshop will involve local contractors or entrepreneurs from the hospitality area, also NGO's, with the aim to identify possible collaborations. The local businesses have the opportunity to open a new business in the food & drink sector or to expand the ones that they already have. The Makerspace workshop which is scheduled for 16th of May is dedicated for those who are interested in working in a creative and inspirational space, as Hala Minda wants to be, more precisely, for artists. We want to know if they are interested in renting spaces around the newly created ecosystem.

These workshops will be followed by a common workshop for the overall governance model and at the end a special workshop for the validation of the 3+1 governance model by the stakeholders. Both workshops will be assisted and organised with contribution from WRDA.

Also, we are happy to let you know that our colleagues are working on the second edition of the ReMetal project - a program that is part of the city's urban regeneration strategy, through creative industries. Last year, six large metal sculptures were placed on the plateau in front of the Minda Hall to highlight this goal. The monumental metal sculpture works were designed by Romanian artists and were executed with the support of specialized companies from Reșița and Arad.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)