D-CARE - Innovation Contest Results


We are proud to announce the winners of our D-CARE Innovation Contest 2022!

In all our project regions we called for innovations in the smart health and care area: Each region's smart care lab members clearly determined the most urgent and important challenges in that field and received vivid response from innovative companies and individuals.

Ranging from proof-of-concept-stage solutions to well developed and sometimes even piloted prototypes we have recieved a high number of interesting applications from all our project regions. The applicants handed in a video or power point pitch describing their solutions as well as why they respond especially well to the regional specific challenges. Our experts in the project region then gathered together with stakeholders from academia, policy makers, end users and health care profesionnals and evaluated the interesting proposals. After presenting the selected solutions among the international project consortium we are delighted to publish the list of selected solutions in the project regions:



  • ELLY
  • IBM Elderly Care
  • MeineHilda

Bosnia and Herzegowina:

  • Continest Technologies Zrt.
  • Innovation Studio IT
  • Public High Medical School Prijedor
  • SkillDict Zrt.


  • Kevin Health Inc.
  • SkillDict Zrt.
  • Water Fuel Engineering Bulgaria OOD
  • Scitecto 21
  • Simenso Ltd Bulgaria

Czech Republic:

  • Scitecto 21


  • Cogvis
  • IBM Elderly Care
  • IRise Mechanics


  • Continest Technologies Zrt.
  • SkillDict Zrt.
  • Terra 95
  • OSSI


  • SkillDict Zrt.
  • Chytra pece


  • ART d.o.o.

Following the human design approach and applying methods of co-design on to up to all selected solutions have entered a co-creation process in the project regions. Together with member of the smart care lab, we will co-create smart care service models that respond to the challenges of the regional health care systems, provide innovative inputs but at the same time can be integrated into legal, policy and economic frameworks. Co-creation means involving users and all affected stakeholders early on in the development process of a solution or product to incorporate their expert knowledge, increase the usability and reduce failure risks in the market introduction – be it a dissatisfying application design, non-functioning business model or legal hurdles that can torpedoe the roll-out of a product in its very last stages. We have acquired great expertise on the topic in a two-day co-design workshop for all our project partners and hired experienced facilitators who will support the co-creation process in most project regions.

We will pilot our tailormade co-creation outcomes in early summer – and we can’t wait to demonstrate innovative solutions for smart health and care in the Danube region working!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)