MELIA Observatory - An open call for participation for vocational high schools in Croatia - The Croatian Chamber of Commerce


The CROATIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE has published an open call for participation in vocational high schools in Croatia in order to select one school to participate in the Pilot 2 testing within the MELIA Project.

Period: 01.09.2022. - 31.10.2022.

We invite all high schools with a vocational program lasting two to five years from the territory of the Republic of Croatia, to apply for participation in testing curricula and educational materials to strengthen media literacy intended for high school students.

The goal is to get feedback from students and educators of a secondary vocational school, on the quality and applicability of educational materials for the implementation of education in order to strengthen the capacity of media literacy and possible proposals for their improvement.

The curriculum and educational materials were created within the MELIA Observatory project 

Educational materials will be available in digital form in Croatian on the project website. These are interactive presentations, which with the help of the accompanying manual teach media literacy through six different topics, in order to provide high school students with knowledge and skills to understand the media and participate in a democratic society, including civil society and politics.

Topics are:

- Behaviour on social networks;
- Critical thinking skills;
- Marketing and advertising;
- News, deception and misinformation;
- Manipulation and propaganda;
- Politics.
The testing will be conducted at the beginning of the school year 2022/2023 so that four trainings on media literacy according to the curriculum and with the help of materials created in the project, will be held for the students of the registered high school.

The Education Behaviors on Social Networks and Critical Thinking Skills will be held in September 2022, and the remaining two (Manipulation and Propaganda and Politics) will be held in October 2022. The trainings will be held by an expert hired by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, in terms agreed with the school and teachers who teach subjects in which media literacy is taught, in accordance with the new Croatian curricula.

After the trainings, the students will express their satisfaction with the educational materials and the training held in the questionnaire, and on the basis of self-assessment, evaluate the progress achieved by the trainings. Teachers will give their assessment of the media literacy curriculum created within the project and the trainings held and the educational materials used.

Applications for participation in the testing should be submitted by April 30, exclusively electronically to Ms. Sanja Berger Korak (e-mail address:, including a statement of interest, certified by the school principal with his signature and the school seal. The document must be completed, certified, signed, scanned and sent to the mentioned e-mail address.

All additional information can be obtained from the project manager Sanja Berger Korak, (phone: 091 / 244-0218, e-mail:


More about the open call (in Croatian): 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)