
People from Sárazsadány and neighbouring communities come to see what is going to happen to their old ferry

The small village of Sárazsadány lies on the right bank of the river Bodrog, near the Hungarian Slovakian border. On the other side of the river, is a vast floodplain forest and wetland, called Bodrogzug. The small ferry waiting by the shore was once responsible for taking people, livestock there and back, but not anymore. She's been recomissioned years ago, maintainance stopped and corrosion took over. She was close to being taken away as scrap metal when Bamli Workshop - a family-owned businness busy in repairing ferries along Bodrog and Tisza rivers - decided to give the boat a second chance. They changed some steel plates and reconstructed the hull. Local people started to cheer up, thinking that their beloved ferry might be coming back. The village of Sárazsadány however, is not able to maintain the shipping line, because farming in Bodrogzug has stopped.

This is when the Tid(y)Up project stepped in the picture. Three years ago, when writing an application to the Interreg's Danube Transnational Programme, a Hungarian NGO thought it would be great to create a zerowaste exhibition. The proposed project, dealing with river cleanups on the water catchment area of the river Tisza, needed a platform to present project results. A boat, made ot 100% recycled materials such as used steel and riverine plastics, sounded nice. Nowadays, with wood- and steel prices three times higher, it seems an even better idea. The project purchased the reconstructed boat and from then on it was obvious that the ferry is going to leave Sárazsadány. But for what purpose remained unclear for the local community.

To clear up the matter, project LP organized a workshop and meeting with local people, explaining that the exhibition is going to raise awareness about river pollution in 6 countries. Living next to a river being affected by massive plastic floods several times a year, the local community gave its blessings for the boat to leave, on one condition. She has to keep the village's name, hence the name from now on - FLEX Sárazsadány. VIDEO.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)