CSSC LAB - CSSC Lab launches its capacity building and training programme


Since November 2021, the CSSC Lab partners have conduced 11 basic trainings in 7 countries across the partner region. Over 250 participants have attended the trainings and 14 further basic and advanced trainings will take place between now and June 2022.

The basic and advanced trainings cover different technical and economic aspects of sector coupling and energy storage. Their main objective is to strengthen local know-how and allow for more sector coupling and city storage projects in the partner region.

In total at least two rounds of basic trainings and 1 round of advanced trainings are foreseen. Due to COVID-19, some of these sessions will take place online. A training package has been developed, which is adapted to the virtual context and also contains instructions to allow for replication.

If you are interested in taking part in these trainings, please contact your local partner organisation.

More at www.cssclab.eu


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)