CD SKILLS - Lecture at the EU (ESF) funded project “By organization and knowledge to healthy living of people with celiac disease and diabetes” workshop


We are always happy and proud when having the chance to talk about CD SKILLS project results, especially when they can be capitalized by other EU projects teams in achieving not only their goals and deliverables but concrete purpose and help in celiac disease diagnostics and improvement of safety and quality of life of CD patients. That specifically refers to recognising celiac disease among the population of people with diabetes.

Project partners Children hospital Zagreb and CeliVita-Living with celiac disease were invited to give a lecture about the CD SKILLS project with special regards to E-learning tools, Establishing transnational HCPs exchange network and Gluten free products registry.

Vivid discussions proved that the topics related to diabetes and celiac disease are very hot and interesting so we will continue to collaborate and update each other on project-related news.

Photo by Ida Čarnohorski, cover photo by Foto von RODNAE Productions von Pexels

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)