
From 3 to 5 April 2022, the 13th Austrian Cycling Summit will take place in Vienna. After two years when the event was cancelled because of Covid-19, the event will be back this coming April in person.

This year’s Austrian Cycling Summit is organized by Fahrrad Wien and Rosinak & Partner, supported by klimaaktiv mobil, the initiative of the Ministry of Climate Action (BMK). Experts from the fields of science and administration as well as representatives of politics and NGOs will discuss and develop solutions that promote including your bicycle in everyday life. This Cycling Summit also addresses people who are involved in NGOs, in order to get in touch with experts from other professions.

On Tuesday, 5 April 2022, the SABRINA project will be presented in the framework of the Danube Cycle Plans session, which means we will continue our successful cooperation with the Danube Cycle Plans project (see also our Joint newsletter published in December 2021). Maria Fleischer from SABRINA project partner Austrian Road Safety Board (Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit) will present our project and focus on the results achieved so far. The session will be moderated by Andreas Friedwagner from Verracon. He will present the Danube Cycle Plans project and Jitka Vrtalová from Partnership for Urban Mobility, which is also a SABRINA project partner, will talk about cycling ambassadors.

The conference days are Monday, 4 April, and Tuesday, 5 April.  A day earlier, on Sunday, 3 April 2022, the so-called RADpaRADe (Cycle Parade) will take place in Viennese Ring Road and Bike Festival will happen on Rathausplatz. During the conference, lectures and sessions held in the ballroom will be simultaneously translated from German to English and vice versa. The official webpage of the event with the programme, registration and tickets information is available HERE. Participation in the two-day conference is free for people from Central and Eastern Europe, students and members of cycling NGOs.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)