RARE - Green Wokshop


Good Practice from Czech Republic

Green Workshop is originally sheltered workshop which was doing ecological recycling of electric waste and electronic devices. Green Workshop has been created by non-governmental organization LIGA o.p.s. with a support of local Labour office in 2005 and in 2009 it was taken out from its internal structures and transformed into independent Limited Liability Company. Recently the company is social enterprise complying with all characteristics of social entrepreneurship.

At its establishment in 2005 Green Workshop has created first 16 jobs for Roma minority and also with the combination of social disadvantages (handicapped). Step by step the company has begun to develop and at the most it employed 44 persons with social exclusions accumulation. Recently the Green Workshop company employs approximately 30 employees and has the following scope of activities nowadays:  ecological recycling of electric waste and electronic devices, small technical services, building operations, maintenance of apartment block.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)