NETWORLD - Press conference at Regional Museum of History in Dobrich (Video)


On the 12th of June 2017 in the Admiration building of Regional Museum of History – Dobrich a Press conference dedicated to the NETWORLD Project took place. More than 25 representatives of local, regional and national media came to the event. Nadezhda Ivanova – Project coordinator for PP4 made a brief presentation with common information about the aims and activities of the Project. She focused the audience attention on Work packages and the role of the Museum in every one of them.

Mr. Radoslav Simeonov spoke more about the Database providing, the interviews with the different stakeholders and the already done work on this topic. Some additional information was provided about the forthcoming cultural activity (National student competition “Bulgaria and the WW1. Places of memory”) planned for the 16th and 17th of June 2017.

Video from the conference


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)