
Driven by the goal of facilitating investments in P2G hubs, the DanuP2Gas project consortium has created a series of digital tools. The consortium plans to hold one workshop per project partner country to demonstrate the usage of these different tools. More info on the planned workshop structure, also accompanied by details about the different tools available, can be found in the document below.

Link to the document: Workshop manual

We kindly ask you to take the time and use your expertise to help us shape a workshop structure that would interest you. Please check whether the planned format of the workshop, as presented in the Workshop manual, suits you and if maybe you have some additional suggestions for the planned workshop agenda.

Please note that the workshop will be held in the period September-December 2022 and for now the exact date for it is not yet known.

We would be grateful if you could give feedback by 15th March 2022.

Any recommendations and proposed changes should be sent via e-mail to mario.vasak@fer.hr and kristina.rados-cvisic@fer.hr.

Thank you very much in advance for your participation!



Stay up to date with all DanuP-2-Gas news and events by following the project’s social media accounts. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)