MELIA Observatory - Call for contributions-May 2022 - Digital skills in higher education. The state of play in the field of European Integration Studies



The Jean Monnet Module Digital teaching and learning in the field of EU Integration Studies in the new member states(D-Skills) launches a call for papers for the workshop Digital skills in higher education. The state of play in the field of European Integration Studies.

The event is hosted by the Department of International Studies and Contemporary History, Faculty of History and Philosophy, BabeČ™-Bolyai University.


It aims to foster a forum of discussion, where academics from new, old and EU candidate states have the opportunity to exchange ideas and share best practices on teaching approaches and methods in EU Studies.


Important dates:

Submission of abstract no later than March 2nd
Notification of acceptance: March 9
Workshop date: 30-31 May 2022

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)