ARCHEODANUBE - New partner onboard


We are happy to announce our new partner in the ArcheoDanube project! Please welcome their greetins:

Greetings and welcome to Chișinău, Moldova!!
Moldova, officially the Republic of Moldova, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, bordered by
Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. Chișinău is the capital and the largest
city of Moldova. Being located in the middle of the country, it is also known as a “green city”, with lots of
trees along its streets and boulevards that are particularly beautiful during spring and summer time.
The General Directorate of Architecture, Urbanism and Land Relations (DGAURF) is the local public
authority in charge of developing and enforcing the urbanistic documentation, for the Chișinău city and
its suburbs. Currently, DGAURF is in the process of approving the City spatial planning plan, the
Sustainable socio-economic strategy for the municipality, and improving the governmental platform
with Local Geographic Information System for Local Public Administrations.
The General Directorate of Architecture, Urbanism and Land Relations of the Chisinau City Hall is the
new project partner from Moldova, ENI region, further committing significant efforts and resources to
implement ArcheoDanube Project activities in its last year of project implementation.
In the course of this year 2022, our greatest aim in the ArcheoDanube Project is to design, advocate
and establish the first archaeological park in Chisinau and in the country overall. Following accelerated
urbanisation in Chișinău, archaeological sites in the urban area face neglect and deprivation, without
any support or attention for preservation, conservation or promotion. The ArcheoDanube Project will
pave the ground for changes, giving the selected Pilot Project area - Visterniceni Hill the chance to tell
its story to current population"

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)