DanubeĀ“s Archaeological eLandscapes - Public Archaeology - Call for Papers


Call for Papers - Public Archaeology - Mobility Actions
Professional archaeologists, associations and interested parties are called upon to speak at the "Public Archaeology" conference as part of the Mobility Actions in Austria held in May 2022. On May 11th and 12th, the international conference will be held in the Archäologiemuseum in Graz.


Public Archaeology

Public archaeology has been a part of archaeological self reflexion for decades. Originally seen as an educational tool to inform the public about archaeology (“science to public”) the term today is understood as public involvement where many interested parties work side-by-side in exploring the past. In the last couple of years, however, it has been dubbed a phoney or even fake discipline which essentially provides marketing events for universities and museums where real contribution of the public is neither wanted nor appreciated.

In the complex area of conflict between legal regulation, institutional research, and the interests of individuals and/or communities, new possibilities of genuine involvement of all interested parties as equal partners in archaeological research have emerged rather slowly. Public involvement ends the elitist control that archaeologists have had over the interpretation of the material past, and gives non-archaeologists a chance to contribute to historical research and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Therefore, it is important to develop a strategic framework to plan and evaluate public archaeology. What are the skills and resources needed for a successful partnership? Should the public funding of archaeological projects require a defined level of public engagement activities?

The aim of the conference is to open up discussion not only on a theoretical level, but also offer the opportunity to discuss both best practice examples of public archaeology that did have a positive scientific and social impact for all the parties involved, and projects that did not have the anticipated outcome. 

The goal of the conference is a strategic framework for future partnerships of institutions and the public in archaeology.

We wouldn’t only like to hear from professional archaeologists about their cooperation with the public, but also from the involved interested public on their experience with archaeologists, so contributions from individuals as well as associations are welcome.
Abstracts of no more than 500 words, alongside a brief bio or CV, should be submitted as a pdf email attachment to michaela.zingerle@museum-joanneum.at by Monday, March 14th 2022.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)