CSSC LAB - Mid-Term Conference showed the potential of CSSC solutions for municipalities


On the 2nd of February 2022, CSSC Lab held its Mid-Term Conference.

Close to sixty participants from 11 countries attended the conference. These participants came from energy agency and universities, municipalities, consulting companies and NGOs in the Danube Region.

After an introduction by the chief project manager Marko Čavar, North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA)  in Croatia the demo centres were introduced. Being based in Zagreb County, Croatia, Stegersbach, Austria,  Občina Destrnik, Slovenia and Varna, Bulgaria, they apply a range of CSSC solutions. Their main features and activities were presented to the participants.

Next, the showroom of CSSC good practices was opened with examples from all over the Danube Region. This included cases such as transforming a social building into a nZEB, Alba Iulia (Romania) and the energy storage system of Planá nad Lužnicí (Czech Republic).

In the afternoon, Tiberiu Toma from the Alba Local Energy Agency (ALEA) in Romania outlined some highlights of the regional action planning process in the project region. After that, the conference participants split into breakout sessions and discussed 1. The regional action planning process, 2. A successful story on stakeholder involvement, 3. A successful story on CSSC implementation.

Finally, the technical and financial modules of the project were outlined by Roman Kekec from the Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje (LEASP) in Slovenia.

Recording of Mid-Term Conference on YouTube.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)