CD SKILLS - Bucharest team awareness rising activities


Members of INSMC Bucharest team, one of the project partners in CD SKILLS project, have participated in a series of events in order to raise awareness and improve knowledge about celiac disease, and promote CD SKILLS project.

Alina Popp presented a lecture about Gluten Free Diet at the event organized by INSMC on 25th November and addressed to the general public. The topics included in the lecture covered the situations when a gluten free diet is needed, information about celiac disease and project activities within CD SKILLS Project.

During the Imunopedia Conference 2021, 5th edition, organized by INSMC, Alina Popp presented the lecture Immunological Markers in Celiac Disease - diagnostic and therapeutic implications.

At the annual Conference INSMC Days Conference, held in December, Otilia Man presented a lecture about objectives, activities and achievements of CD Skills project, called Transnational Models and Medical and Social Challenges in Celiac Disease. During the same Conference, Alexandra Gîță presented the lecture Implications of the Covid19 Pandemic on Children on a Restrictive Diet. The objective of the lecture was to raise awareness about celiac disease, to share knowledge and experience related to the management of celiac disease during COVID period.

Imunopedia and INSMC Days conferences were addressed to doctors. All events took place online due to COVID restrictions.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)