CINEMA - Spring actions!


The new year has started and not only the partners from Herrenberg are looking forward to spring! Also our project activities are getting into the flow: The progress in our pilot locations is speeding up, each region will realise their plans for reviving empty floorspaces, cooperating with shop owners or supporting initiatives for creatives until this summer, so we really need to get going!  Our next live partner meeting will take place in Kosice/Slovakia, hopefully the pandemic allows us to visit our friends Creative Industry Košice and Agentúra na podporu regionálneho rozvoja Košice, n.o. and check out their beautiful city and creative spaces in May. Our cooperation with the Restart4Danube project is advancing nicely, we even started talking about combining our final conferences towards the end of 2022, to present project results and offer possibilities to transfer our methods to other regions. Our next project newsletter will include latest news on the pilot locations and expert views on creative urban development and our database with Creative Urban Revitalisation Tools will soon be online. And have you had a look at the beautiful new video on our Youtube Channel from Resita? We hope you’ll stay tuned and are as excited as we are to move from theory to practice the next weeks!
#InterregCinema #creativeindustries #urbanrevitalization #danubetransnational #EUfunds #danubeconnects #interreg #ReinventRedesignReopen #unlockspacepotential #transformyourspace #restart4danube

Photo: MTheiler (

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)