DANUrB+ - Workshop “Treat your superhero” for children in Golubac, Serbia


On Thursday, December 23, 2021, the second workshop with the children of the “Lasta” Preschool Institution in Golubac was held. The workshop was led by teaching assistants from the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade, Aleksandar Grujičić and Branislav Antonić, in cooperation with Marijana Milojković, a kindergarten teacher, and Milena Đurđević, the Director of the preschool institution. It was thematically related to the recognition of tangible and intangible cultural heritage called “Treat your superhero”. The workshop aimed to get to know local customs and traditions, encouraging children to be proud of their heritage and community. 

Before this meeting, two preparatory meetings with local teachers were held in the “Branko Radičević” Central Elementary School in Golubac in September and November 2021. Their purpose was to introduce the DANUrB+ Project and the task, related to activities for local schools and children, on local level. After them, the staff of local kindergarten, which is also in charge for preschool children, had the first short workshop to introduce the project to kids and their parents.

The main workshop held in December 23, 2021 was organised with 17 children in a preschool grade (6-7 years of age) in three steps. The theme of the workshop was “Treat Your Superhero”, modified for the children of this age. Basically, the youngsters should have first selected the super-hero, with whom they are familiar, and whom they like. The kids also had to tell and explain about their superheroes in brief. They chose, for example, Sonic the Hedgehog, SpongeBob SquarePants, Spiderman, or Blaze. Then, they illustrated the chosen superhero. In the last step, they needed to draw a place, site of building in Golubac and vicinity, which they would show to the superhero if he/she would visit Golubac. The children illustrated Golubac Fortress, the Danube River, the town, or hills behind it as places to be presented. All the drawings are collected by the workshop staff for further analysis on how to conceptualise the next workshops.

Many thanks to the aforementioned Milena Đurđević and Marijana Milojković for their support and kindness!


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)