Danube S3 Cluster - Dissemination of the DS3C results in Hungary


The cluster strategy preparation process offers a great opportunity to the Hungarian DS3C project partners to influence the procedures demonstrating the lessons learned and the drawn conclusions, prepared Danube S3 Cluster strategies to the representatives of the responsible ministry. In order to achieve this, a bilateral online meeting was organized on 30th November 2021 by IFKA with the representative of the responsible ministry ensuring that some of the results could be actually built into the Hungarian cluster strategy.

All the introduced documents were sent to the representatives of the Ministry after the meeting which – as it is confirmed – will be very useful for their upcoming work to finalize the cluster strategy. 

Since in Hungary the training for clusters will be in the spotlight, the DS3C training materials could be also useful for this process ensuring the long-term effect of the project.

All in all, the meeting could be considered effective for both sides. From DS3C perspectives it is a great confirmation that based on the researches, professional knowledge and experience of the Ministry the DS3C conclusions are well-founded and relevant. For the ministry the provided materials, analysis could be great tools to verify the strategy and to prove that the development directions are internationally acknowledged.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)