INDEED - Conference "Medical Days Dr. Mircia Iorga - Family Physician, Practitioner and Manager", December 9-11


We had the great opportunity to speak about our project and the special chapter regarding Dementia in Times of Corona, at the Conference "Medical Days Dr. Mircia Iorga - Family Physician, Practitioner and Manager" that took place in a virtual format, during December 9-11.

Georgeta Popovici, the Communication Manager of INDEED project and our collaborator Dr. Daciana Toma presented “Solutions for the care of patients with dementia during the pandemic”, followed by interesting discussions regarding the implication of family doctors in the care of patients with dementia and their cooperation with the family members.

The participants were family doctors, nurses, students in medicine and representatives of pharmaceutical companies.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)