STRIDE - The published annual report of the Hungarian Transmission Operator


Magyar Villamosenergia-Ipari Atviteli Rendszeriranyito Zrt., commonly known as MAVIR Zrt., is the TSO (Transmission System Operator) in the STRIDE partner region of Hungary. The TSO was founded in 2000 by MVM Zrt., and since 2003, the company performs its activities with a license provided by the Hungarian Energy Office. Its main activities include electricity transmission, system management, ancillary services provision, transfer activities and cross-border transport.

MAVIR Zrt. as the Transmission System Operator (TSO) supervises the operation of the electric power system, creates and coordinates the balance between production and consumption of electricity on the market. MAVIR is taking part in the work of several international organisations and co-operation simultaneously takes place through joint international subsidiaries and projects. MAVIR issues an annual report concerning their activities, including all annual data relevant for the Hungarian Transmission network. This year’s 65-page report was published in Autumn 2021 and is available from the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (former Hungarian Energy Office and STRIDE the Hungarian Associated Partner) by request, and STRIDE partner, BZN, has also received it in electronic form. Additionally, the MAVIR Zrt. disseminates and distributes their annual report as a hardcopy at their annual energy policy events and at the annual meeting of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association – here, more than 800 participants from the quadruple helix gather, as the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association through active participation provides a neutral platform for legal entities and natural persons working in the electric power industry, as well as for government authorities to coordinate and exchange information about important issues.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)