Danube S3 Cluster - Bilateral digitalization meetings


The need for digitalization developments is increasingly present in the lives of companies. The importance of digitization is not only visible in manufacturing companies, but also present in agri-food companies.

Because of this need, the Danube S3 Cluster partnership has decided to help the companies navigate the world of digital solutions.

This year, a total of 82 stakeholders were trained by the PBN team.

During the digitization trainings, the participants had the opportunity to know more about following topics:

  • 3D printing
  • Business animation
  • Drone solutions
  • AI in the agricultural sector

In addition to the theoretical presentation of the various subject areas, we have provided practical examples to make the benefits of such an innovation or solution even more conceivable.

Feedback shows that there is an interest in such training, either in person or online, as companies are increasingly open to using such solutions.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)