DANOVA - 1st stakeholder workshop in Slovenia (PP5-UM and PP10-MOM) - Challenges and opportunities to improve the mobility of the blind and visually impaired


The Slovenian partners of the DANOVA project, the University of Maribor (PP5-UM) and the Municipality of Maribor (PP10-MOM), organised the first stakeholder workshop on 12 November 2021. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the workshop was held online even though it was planned as an in-person meeting. 

The workshop started with a presentation of the DANOVA project and continued with a discussion on everyday mobility challenges that blind and partially sighted individuals face each day. The workshop's main focus was on the debate on the possibilities for improving the accessibility of the Maribor Bus Station. Obstacles and problems hindering the accessibility of bust station to the visually impaired persons were presented together with difficulties in information access. Issues include inadequate lighting, wrong placement of digital displays, small fonts on the timetables, inadequate marking of glass surfaces and glass doors, non-contrasting marking of stairs and various obstacles that make it difficult to access the station itself. Solutions for these issues were proposed and debated. In addition to removing physical barriers, the workshop participants emphasized the importance of educating sighted people, both employees in public passenger transport and the general public. The workshop concluded with presentation of DANOVA Open Call for Innovative Ideas.

The workshop was attended by representatives of the Municipality of Maribor, the University of Maribor, the Association of Students with Disabilities of Slovenia, representatives of the Municipal council for Disabled, the Transport Sector and the Intermunicipal wardens, representatives of the Intermunicipal Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Maribor, Marprom, ZUM and others. All participants expressed a desire to contribute to improving the accessibility of mobility services for blind and partially sighted people and are ready to participate in further activities.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)