
Regional Agency for Socio-Economic Development – Banat on the 6th of June 2017 held the first National Meeting of stakeholder representatives of the project „Eco-innovatively connected Danube Region - Ecoinn Danube“ (Danube Transnational Programme) in Hotel Vojvodina in Zrenjanin (Republic of Serbia). At the meeting more than 30 representatives from local governments SME-a, NGO, R&D institutions, and institutions for business support, innovators and investors has participated.


At the beginning of the Meeting, Project Manager has presented the Project „EcoInn Danube“, its main activities and expected results, as well as possibilities and benefits of involving all stakeholders. After the presentation, a discussion on the current situation in Serbia in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources has been opened. Participants discussed about problems, obstacles, opportunities and potential solutions in the given field. One of the speaker was the expert from The Institute for economic and agriculture, who presented the main obstacles and problems in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Serbia. Participation of representatives of the Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia, who presented their current financial instruments for innovators and innovative SMEs, contributed to the successfulness of the first National Meeting. At the very end, the first successful story in Serbia in the field of Energy efficient living and working has been presented. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)