Transdanube.Pearls - The Danube Competence Center presents the EU-project Transdanube.Pearls at the transnational expert workshop of the project CityWalk in Belgrade


On 7 June 2017, on behalf of the project Transdanube.Pearls, the Danube Competence Center (DCC) attended the technical workshop of the EU-project “CityWalk – Towards energy responsible places: Establishing walkable cities in the Danube region.” The project is co-funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Program.

The transnational expert workshop took place in Belgrade and was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Serbia and the partnership of the project CityWalk. The project has the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emission and noise levels by actively fostering sustainable forms of mobility in the urban transport systems along the Danube. Thus, the emphasis of the project lies on walking in particular and on the improvement of urban mobility in the broader sense.

In the course of the Danube Transnational Program capitalization strategy with the goal to allow exchange between projects with similar objectives and to create synergies in the field of sustainable mobility, the DCC presented the EU-project Transdanube.Pearls, its goals, activities and outputs.

(c) CityWalk

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)