
One of the six work packages of the EcoInn Danube project is focused on how to analyze the market of eco-innovation. In order to fulfill that task, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region organized two stakeholder meetings from the field of eco - innovation. The first meeting was held on Jahorina, at the end of April, while the second meeting was organized in the premises of the Chamber, on June 6.

The meeting was attended by representatives of ministries of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, non-governmental organizations, representatives of SMEs, business support organizations and representatives of development agencies and academic institutions. In addition to presenting the project and the conclusions of the previous meeting, participants were presented with the information about the environmental products of the companies that were present, to discuss issues related to energy efficiency and environmental protection, and also with the process of mapping of the market within the project, which includes the activities of meetings, surveys, analysis and preparation of joint transnational strategy and action plan for the implementation of eco-innovative results. The two latter document and transnational platform of key players in the field of eco - innovations are the result of all activities of work package STRATEGY FOR ECO-KNOWLEDGE of the Ecoinn project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)