D-CARE - Best practices of Smart Care from Austria and Hungaria


The preparation of the learning programs and the e-learning platform as its key element is heading to the final phases. Despite all the limitations related to the current pandemic situation, we try to provide highly relevant information to our stakeholders.

During the first transnational workshop organised by the UJEP and Volunteer Centre, on November 22, the regional stakeholders from the Usti region could learn more on the best practices related to Smart Care from Austrian and Hungarian colleagues.
The projects and activities presented were focused on the needs of one of the most active and innovative social providers Charity Litoměřice. Hopefully, some of the practices will be implemented and the results shared during the planned regional conference in January.

Yvonne Prinzellner from the Austrian Partner Johanniter presented the two projects GOT-IT and RoboGen and Kornélia Lovas, a Health Expert cooperating with IFKA shared the best practice in Hungary: Improving Elderly Care Potential in Rural Areas. Csaba Dózsa, the Health-economist from Hungarian partner IFKA gave insights on Health-economics: Cost factors of economic efficiency in health care institutions.
Among the discussed topics was the role of e-learning systems during the implementation of those activities and projects and how we can transfer them with the support of the e-learning platform we are currently preparing. The discussion brought important inputs regarding the final deployment of the innovative learning environment and its networking framework. 

The final part of this workshop was dedicated to cross-project sharing and validation. Therefore, Kristína Lulajková from the Bratislava-Petržalka, informed on the outcomes of the project niCE life.

Due to the pandemic situation, the workshop took place online.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)