
"The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future." — Wendell Phillips 

We at the RADAR project team and consortium are beyond honoured for the opportunity to make a change and leave a behind heritage of the need to improve road infrastructure safety. We hope that this heritage encourages the momentum of saving lives on roads due to poor road infrastructure. 

A lot has been achieved during the last 3,5 years.

One of the most important achievements is the delivery of the Road Infrastructure Safety Improvement Strategy for the Danube Region and national Action Plans. 

Taking RADAR outputs to another level, implementing in participating countries, and following up with capitalisation of all achieved shall become our future aim. Work on improvement of road safety in the region should be continued and enhanced and we should take responsibility to keep road safety high in our and all stakeholders’ agendas in the years to come.

There have been so many great things done in RADAR that we honestly feel saddened by the fact that it has come to the end. But looking forward - road safety shall not end with the RADAR project. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)