Living Danube Limes - Connecting Cruise 2022


Join us for a unique adventure within the Interreg DTP Living Danube Limes project in 2022!


Our "Living Danube Limes connecting cruise 2022" from July 15th to the end of November 2022 is a cruise with a Roman rowing and sailing ship from late antiquity starting in Ingolstadt (Bavaria, Germany) and ending in the Danube delta. Our ship named "Danuvia Alacris" will cover about 40 km a day which, will be rowed and partially sailed, if possible. The crew, which will consist of about 18-20 rowers and a leadership team of 4-5 people, will have an international composition, so the language on the ship will be English. The crew will change approximately every second week; they will row in Roman clothes (tunic, shoes, etc.). In addition, there will be smaller to larger festivals and interested visitors at the stops of the ship. Overnight stays will not be in hotels (which are not available at many places), but in available facilities, for example school buildings during holiday season, facilities of fire brigades, etc. At some landing sites camping will be necessary.


For futher information and registration see:

Website "Living Danube Limes Connecting Cruise 2022

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)