D-CARE - Project Consortium Meeting in Cluj, 29-30/09


Lots of bright ideas in Cluj in September!

The D-CARE consortium partners met - online and in presence - for two days of intense work, discussions and a lot of progress in the city of Cluj Napoca, Romania. Hosted by the Lead Partner, the University of Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, we presented the current status of each workpackage in the project and the respective next steps, discussed the consequences of the current Covid situation on our project and had a very productive meeting with members of the managing authority.

What is to come on our project?

We are working high speed on our online learning platform where you will soon be able to find interesting learning modules on challenges and skills in smart care, useful guiding documents on our core project components such as the smart care labs and quadruple stakeholder helix mechanism as well as later next year a policy and transnational strategy. 

To initiate the innovation mechanism we will soon release a call for innovations (http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/d-care/section/innovation-call-2021to scout innovative solutions for current smart care challenges in our project regions. The best applications will recieve the D-CARE innovation prize as a recognition and gain access to an exceptional network of stakeholders from businesses, including potential investors, the public policy and administration realm, academia as well as their (future) users. With the selected applicants, members of our smart care labs as well as the respective target-users we will then enter into a co-creation process to develop solutions that are best-fit to user needs and ready to enter the market. To put these solutions to a test, we will launch our smart care pilots in April next year.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)