
Project EcoInn Danube is approaching the end of its first six months, we are happy to say, very successful implementation. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region is the only organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina promoting the eco innovative Danube region and looking back on six months several actions have been made to “spread the news”.

Storytelling started with presenting the EcoInn Danube to the employees of the CCI BL on 6th of March, 2017. EcoInn Danube team in CCI BL (Igor Pandžić, Ranko Topić, Aleksandar Ljuboja and Vesna Spasojević) presented project activities in detail to chamber colleagues. Special emphasis was given to project activities delegated to our organization and to dissemination activities. All Chamber expert employees was given a task to promote the project in their regular meetings with companies and decision member which are stakeholders of EcoInn Danube project. 

After involving our closest colleagues in dissemination activities of EcoInn Danube the same was done with the partner institutions in Republika Srpska.

CCI BL has organized a meeting with seven institutions from Republika Srpska currently involved in DTP projects. On March 21st we hosted eleven colleagues from the Republic Agency for the Development of SMEs, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry, Energetics and Mining, PREDA, LIR evolution, Republic Hydro-meteorological Service of Republika Srpska and Geological Survey of the Republika Srpska shortly presented seven of our projects and discussed various issues regarding the implementation process. Special emphasis was given to dissemination activities within our projects and possible collaboration in this line.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)