KnowING IPR - Science and Technology Parks and Innovation Centers – essential conduits of Technology Transfer


Science and Technology Parks and Innovation Centers – essential conduits of Technology Transfer

The theme was presented during the workshop “Potential for the Development of Science and Technology Parks and Impacts on Society”, which took place in Belgrade, on September 20th, 2021 as part of an EU funded project in Serbia called: EU Support to Science and Technology Park Belgrade for Services to Innovative Companies. The main audience of the workshop consisted of representatives from Serbia's four Science and Technology Parks (STPs), the Innovation Fund, and policy makers/implementers from the Ministry of Education Science and Technology Development (MoESTD). The event aimed to help them learn from international good practices so that they can further enhance their services to industry and also to improve the flow of technology transfer from universities and research centers to industry.

During the event, UEFISCDI’s representative, Mr. Marius Mitroi, approached the subject of science and technology parks and innovation centers, with focus on their benefits and roles played in the technology transfer and socioeconomic development of the regions in which they are based. The presentation featured the Romanian entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem, and started with a short description of its context, local challenges, followed by the introduction and description of technological transfer facilitators. As examples of good practices, the presentation highlighted the KnowING IPR project – which aims to increase transnational innovation and IPR policy cooperation for the countries of the Danube region and provides guidelines for improved and harmonized IPR policy framework across the Danube region.

The event ended with open discussions about possibilites in which the Science and Technology Parks can improve sustainable socioeconomic development in Serbia.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)