TalentMagnet - The first Local Talent Club organized


Do you have a local role model?
The members of our Local Talent Club in Nyíregyháza now do – or at least they have the option to choose one.
On the 21st of October, the city of Nyíregyháza, in cooperation with the Student Mayor's Office, organized the second event of its Local Talent Club. Three local entrepreneurs talked about their careers, biggest achievements, and opinions on local opportunities with young students from Nyíregyháza.
Their message was clear: the key in talent attraction and retention is not holding back talents, rather encouraging them to move out from the city to gain new skills and knowledge. Experiencing life in another - potentially bigger - city, making new connections, challenging yourself by finding opportunities abroad can open a whole new world. Thereafter, they can use that experience and knowledge for the benefit of their hometown.
According to the role models from Nyíregyháza, there is one thing to remember though, not every idea is applicable in all settings. Young talents need to shape and adjust their own ideas and the good practices they have seen and experienced to the audience they are introducing them to. What can contribute to being successful with a particular idea? That you know the city, the general environment, and local people where you want to make it happen.
Starting locally does not mean young people have limited opportunities. It means there is a place for growth. To achieve this, the city itself should create and foster opportunities, workshops, and local events with the participation of both young talents and local stakeholders. Connecting young minds full of great ideas and experienced local role models can lead to synergic growth on both ends.
These were some of the key takeaways from the second event of the Local Talent Club in Nyíregyháza, Hungary, where the invited entrepreneurs and young talents agreed that continuing with such events will help build a supportive local environment for talent attraction and retention.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)