MOVECO - Second MOVECO Project Meeting in Nitra


The second MOVECO project meeting will take place in Nitra (Slovakia) on 13th and 14th of June. The agenda includes several topics, which will be covered in form of presentations, team work or discussions.  

For instance, one presentation will give an overview on strategic documents on circular economy in the different Danube countries. In the last months, all project partners carried out a research to identify up to five of the most relevant strategic documents in their countries. During the meeting, an overview of the most important documents will be presented both on national as well as on European level. 

Moreover, the results of national studies on extended producer responsibility will be presented. The studies included interviews with producer responsibilty organisation representatives. 

Besides, the state of the art of the Mapping of research and development organisations with focus on circular economy will be presented. 

Finally future activities will be discussed, presented and further developed. This includes for example transnational reports  a mobile exhibition on circular economy, which will be shown in the four countries Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia.

We are looking forward to meeting each other again!

For more information on MOVECO, please click here.

(Photo credit: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)