
On 14th October, the Final SIMONA SCOM, AB and QMB meeting was held online via the MsTeams application. The main purpose of the meeting was to present the management, communication and financial overview of Period 7, as well as to present each work packagesĖ™achievements so far. Around thirty participants were present, inclusive of Full partners and ASPs. The partners were informed about the general status of project activities and about the remaining work and deadlines. Most of the work is completed and expect that all deliverables and outputs will be delivered by 31st October. Only those documents related to the outcomes Final Conference event can be delivered by the end of November - the project`s end. The partners were also informed about the final reporting deadlines for project partners and progress reports - 15th December for PR7 and 28th February for PPR7, retention of documents after the projects end and other important information related to project closure. Final Conference Event plans were presented again and some discussions arose about the participants and the COVID situation in Romania. Lead partner emphasised that the overview and achievements of the entire project per work packages and according to the project-specific goals and outcomes will be presented at the SIMONA internal meeting at the Final conference event in Baia Mare.

To conclude, the partners received all necessary information regarding the final period work plan and project closure.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)