CINEMA - Publication of Roadmaps to support change in inner cities


As you all know, CINEMA deals with three focus subjects in order to change inner city centers for the better: 1. Revitalisation of empty or under-utilised floor space, 2. Revitalisation of retail and small businesses and 3. Establishment of a CI support centres. The partnership is working in three transnational groups and each group prepared a “roadmap”. These strategic documents intend to give guidance and structure to reach the desired changes, e.g. to unlock the potentials of the creative industries and support their contribution to urban economic activities. They will help to enhance collaboration between creatives and other small businesses and show e.g. tools and models on how to revitalise empty floor spaces.

The roadmaps which you can find here, will define the expected change, the pilot locations' measures and activities, and typical examples of urban challenges in the Danube Region. Hopefully, they also will be sources of information for cities or regions with similar challenges and for stakeholders to learn more about our approaches on cross-fertilisation with creative industries for urban revitalisation.

More details can be found in our next newsletter which will be published shortly! Subscribe here. And - have you already checked out our Facebook site and Youtube Channel?

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)