INDEED - International Alzheimer Day in Bosnia-Herzegovina


News from our former colleague in the project, Osman Kučuk, the President of Alzheimer Udruženja AiR-Alzheimer BiH!

The International Alzheimer Day 2021 was celebrated in Bosnia-Herzegovina by the Alzheimer Udruženje AiR that has organized a round table named „BH Society in the Context of Dementia – How Much We Are an Empathic Society “.

The goal was to bring together the relevant Ministries – Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education and Ministry for Spatial Arrangement as well as Institute for Medical Expertise, Public Health Institute, Agency for Standardisation in Medical Sector, Fund of Healthcare Insurance, in order to exchange information about dementia. The following aspects have been discussed: the rights and needs of people living with dementia, the lacks in the systems of health and social care, the deprivation of rights and position of people living with dementia in relation with other social groups as well as to identify what impact has migration of young and experts upon the BH society in context of elderly and people living with dementia. We have also discussed about the necessity to set dementia in curricula and the need of raising awareness about people living with dementia and to create a more empathic society to people living with dementia.

Participants have identified a lot of problems in the all sectors and agreed to organize an „Integrated Interdepartmental Group“ with representatives from all stated entities, that will exchange information and create a common action in improving systems and creating a friendly community with people living with dementia where they will be members with equal rights.

A review of the INDEED project was presented in the introductory part where outcomes of Centre for Dementia were presented. Further on, in the panel, has ben discussed how can be used the INDEED materials and the online learning platform in the future education.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)