Living Danube Limes - Local Focus Group #1 / Austria


On July 23rd the first Austrian Local Focus Group Meeting took place in Tulln, which is also the Austrian pilot site in the Living Danube Limes project.


The Austrian project partners Danube University Krems and Paris-Lodron University Salzburg were joined by the Czech project partners from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the Czech Academy of Sciences.

The meeting was addressed to regional and local stakeholders active in the fields of archaeology, tourism, and protection. The morning was dedicated to presentations and discussions on the Living Danube Limes project, possibilities it holds for the Austrian pilot site Tulln, the Roman museums along the Austrian section of the Danube, the late Roman ships reconstructed in the Archaeological Park of Xanten in Germany and their touristic value as well as the Danube limes as cultural landscape in need of care and sustainable development.

The afternoon was dedicated to the pilot site Tulln and its Roman remains – in the museum and still to be seen throughout the city itself.


Photo: DUK

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)