ISTER - Capacity Building Test Workshop


On 2nd August DDTG held a test event for the Capacity Building Workshop of ISTER project in Janus Pannonius Museum, Pécs. 13 participants took part in the event, the experts and representatives of DDTG and the coworkers (archaeologists and museologists of Janus Pannonius Museum). The aim of the event was to try and test the training materials for the local CBWs, where Roman Route heritage as a driver for touristic, local/regional development will be discussed.

The test event started with the presentation of SebÅ‘ Sánta, representative of project partner DDTG. He introduced the ISTER project and its touristic valorisation.

The second presentation was held by Dr Ádám Páthy, expert on regional development, who talked about the social and economic factors and touristic characteristics of Pécs.

Finally, Réka Neményi archeologist presented the built Roman heritage in and around Pécs.

After the presentations, participants discussed the project and its benefits on the city’s touristic and economic development. The issues raised concern the benefits of the projects for stakeholders, the results of the project and how the different approach and objectives of heritage protection and tourism valorisation can be harmonized within this project.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)