Transdanube Travel Stories - THE PEP - Webinar: Benefits of sustainable mobility as an integral part of sustainable tourism development


This Webinar was organized as a virtual side event in the frame of the 5 High-Level Ministerial Conference on the Transport Health Environment Pan European Programme THE PEP „Building forward better by transforming to new clean, safe, healthy and inclusive mobility and transport“ 17-18 May 2021 Vienna online.


©WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH-Hochhauser

Decarbonizing transport and mobility remain a critical policy challenge, for which we must seize the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic as a unique opportunity to accelerate progress. Decarbonization is one example of an issue where transport, health, and environment all meet – an intersection that has been the focus of two decades of multilateral negotiation and cooperation under the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP).

The event was organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology & Austrian Federal Ministries Agriculture, Regions and Tourism. 

During the 5th High-Level Conference of THE PEP, a new THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility was launched.

The good practices presented in this Webinar was raise awareness about the benefits of making sustainable mobility an integral part of sustainable tourism and integrating sustainable mobility services in tourist products. The Webinar brought together stakeholders from national authorities with experts from OECD, ECF, transport and tourism operators.

The following good practices were shared with the participants:

  • Cycle tourism on the bigger scale - The Eurovelo network: Ed Lancaster / Jill Warren, European Cyclists’ Federation
  • European night train network as the backbone for the sustainable travel system in Europe: Karin Fest, Austrian Federal Railways
  • Sustainable mobility in tourism at the Danube: Petra Riffert, Secretary-general of Danube Pearl's network and project partner of Transdanube Travel Stories

Documents available on the meeting this webpage

More information about THE PEP: 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)