


Following the success of the first program, our second mentoring program was also launched.

Check the results of the previous mentoring program here>>


But what is the main aim of this program?

Mentoring program for assisting micro and small entrepreneurs, who appeared to be in crisis or drifting towards bankruptcy because of COVID restrictions by implementing business incubation and mentoring entrepreneurs on changing their business model, building new sales channels, cutting the fixed costs, introducing new products/services. In the case that entrepreneur is not capable to modify the business model, experts on bankruptcy will advise him/her on how to close down the business and make a smooth transition to employment.

Do not miss the unique opportunity!

You can join if you are:

  • an entrepreneur in crisis because of COVID-related restrictions and economic downturn,
  • a re-starting entrepreneur – you want to start a new business again

We will help you to re-start and/or to “keep your business on track” or “get it in shape”. It`s the only supporting program for 2nd-chance entrepreneurs in Europe!


What is the situation in the participating countries? Click here to check it >>

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)