DANOVA - Quick overview of the implemented activities


The past two months were very exciting for the DANOVA project. All the partners were working full steam and we are very proud of them! Here is a quick overview of the activities that took place:
• the audit teams conducted the accessibility assessments of the transport terminals to blind and partially sighted passengers;
• work package coordinators guided the partners through the development of the documents that will be the main outputs of the project on the topic of improving accessibility;
• the lead partner organized the online and live project meetings where the partners agreed on the implementation of the new activities;
• the project was presented to the important stakeholders, but also to the general public.
Get ready as more details about the project activities will follow soon!

Make sure to follow us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/InterregDANOVA/ 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)