DANOVA - Assessment of the accessibility to blind and partially sighted passengers in Croatia - Dubrovnik Port Authority (PP9)


On the 14th of May, the Dubrovnik Port Authority representatives welcomed the representatives from Dubrovnik Airport and Croatian Blind Union to perform the accessibility assessment of the Dubrovnik port terminal. The passenger terminal located in the main building, the operative coast terminal used to embark passengers to ferries, the bus station and taxi station in the vicinity, and the ticket shop were some of the main parts of the assessment. The audit team also determined the most critical accessibility issues and considered the possibilities for their improvement.
Members of the audit team: Kristina Laptalo, Sanja Milić, and Cvija Oberan Borojević (Dubrovnik Port Authority), Hrvoje Spremić (Dubrovnik Airport), Mladen Menićanin, Andreja Veljača, Nikola Arbanas, and Mladena Funtek (Croatian Blind Union).


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)