ISTER - Transnational Screening Framework for classifying and cataloguing Roman Routes and settlements


First main and the most critical deliverable in the begining of ISTER project was to develop and present baseline information, which primary purpose was to create a common understanding and level playing field among all the partners regarding the context and key issues. A methodology to collect baseline information was one of the first deliverables in ISTER project. This methodology was binging all partners to the same level of initial knowledge and information at an early stage of project implementation. Each partner provided for the Concise baseline study, policies, priorities, plans and roman heritage inventory for own case. This task was lead by ZRS BISTRA Ptuj.

The study shows that the main goal of planning for sustainable cultural heritage tourism is to identify cultural heritage sites (Example: Orfejev monument in City of Ptuj) and their potentials for tourism development, and to manage them to ensure sustainability, through which tourism can also contribute to heritage conservation. Study shows also that  the inclusion of local residents contributes to generating income, and often heritage can also lead to the revitalization of the area.

We (in case of Ptuj)  provide a roman heritage inventory and describe all the important monuments which can have added value in tourism development as:

Orfej monument in City of Ptuj
The oldest open-air lapidary in Slovenia  in the City of Ptuj
Roman brickworks kiln in City of Ptuj
I. Mitrej in Spodnja  Hajdina (near the City of Ptuj)
III. Mitrej – Zgornji Breg (near the City of Ptuj)
Roman Route in the City of Ptuj

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)