SABRINA - Project newsletter no. 2 is now available


When in doubt, pedal it out.

The year 2021 continues with the challenges in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic. When doubts come, we have two solutions; we either pedal them out or we rely on a strong team of project partners all pushing in the same direction: towards safer bicycle routes in the Danube Area and hopefully beyond. 

 In the past six months, we actively supported and participated in different road and cycling safety initiatives and campaigns, celebrated International Women’s Day, started with the route inspections on the field, collected best practices in cycling infrastructure safety, and performed stakeholder consultations that highlighted challenges and solutions in cycling infrastructure safety. Virtually we have travelled to Romania and Czechia, from where we are presenting two members of our project team. 
For a quick snapshot of the project, we have prepared a promotional brochure where you can find the most important information about the SABRINA project. Our social media networks are growing and becoming the channels where you can find the most up-to-date news about the project, information about events, and other interesting news from the road and cycling safety community. To read the latest newsletter click HERE. To get the newsletter straight to your mailbox next time and to follow us on social media click on the icons below.

We wish you a great and relaxing summer. We hope you will have a chance to spend it with your friends and family cycling and enjoying the outdoors. Stay safe and remember: SABRINA will make sure there will be no fears about safety on two wheels!




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)