
The main goal of the SABRINA project is to provide the decision-makers with resources and tools for safe and sustainable solutions for improved cycling infrastructure in the region. We believe that when cycling infrastructure is planned, designed, built, and maintained considering the safety of cyclists, pedalling becomes also a more enjoyable and preferred way of moving – having a positive impact on cyclists’ health, environment, and sustainable development.

To reach our goals, we have planned different activities in the framework of our 2.5 years-long project. One of SABRINA’s work packages has the objective to collect and collate best practices relevant to cycling infrastructure and safety improvement measures. In addition to the analysis of collected data and desk research, a stakeholder consultation took place on local, national, EU, and international levels in the first months of 2021. This consultation was carried out by individual SABRINA partners in all contributing countries and is considered an important tool for gathering additional insight and for raising awareness about the importance of safe cycling infrastructure. 

The collected answers from more than 250 stakeholders from local, regional, national public authorities, interest groups, universities and scientific institutions, sectoral agencies, infrastructure service providers, and international organisations show the status of safe cycling infrastructure in SABRINA member countries about provision, maintenance, and safety assessment. The report covers both core problems and good-practice solutions in the individual jurisdictions as well as expectations towards the interactive decision support tool to be developed within the SABRINA framework. It will, together with the results of desk research on best practices and the assessment of inspection videos across Danube Area EuroVelo routes, inform the final Outputs of SABRINA: Safe Cycling Routes Toolkit and the Recommendations for implementation of best practices, as well as the Fact Sheets on cycling infrastructure problems & solutions. The basis for all stakeholder interviews was a common Stakeholder Questionnaire, prepared by a responsible partner for this work package, the Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV). 

Stay tuned for more details about stakeholder consultations in the next months. The report will be published during summer on our webpage  For all the latest updates, follow us also on our social media profiles.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)