Growing together in Europe - digital information and networking event on the future transnational Interreg programmes


On 8 July, the Ministry of the Economy, Labour and Tourism in Baden-Württemmberg is organising an interactive, digital information and networking conference about the transnational Interreg programmes of the new programming period (2021-2027).

Stakeholders interested in Interreg transnational programmes will learn about the first calls of the new programming period as well as the flagship projects of the four transnational Interreg B programmes: Alpine Region, Central Europe, Danube Region and Northwest Europe.  

Participants will also have the chance to participate in individual consultation sessions with the Programme Secretariats and National Contact Points. 

The event will be held in German. For further information, go here

You can already register for the event here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)