InnoSchool - Transnational InnoSchool Conference


On the 16th of June 2021, the Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance of Bihor County with the support of all the InnoSchool project partners organized and hosted the Transnational InnoSchool Conference. During this online event more than 160 teachers, students, secondary school representatives, policy body representatives, non-governmental organization representatives and other interested parties participated in the conference to learn more about the InnoSchool Learning System, the Serious Game, the InnoSchool Pilot and its results.

The conference opened with a welcome speech from Lucie Noswitz, the project manager and DEXIC representative, a thank you to the hosting organization and a short video about the hosting town, Oradea, Romania. The project was introduced next and Arnold Gutmayer, representative of Vienna Board of Education, continued the conference with a presentation of the InnoSchool Learning System. Frantisek Janke, from the Technical University of Kosice, presented the InnoSchool Serious Game, followed by Vojtech Jira from DEXIC who presented the InnoSchool Pilot and its results. Csaba Bende from Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency wraped up this part with a presentation of the next steps in the project and an invitation to the next InnoSchool conference in Budapest.

In the second part of the conference a moderated panel discussion was held on the topic ”InnoSchool - the future of social entrepreneurship”. We were joined in the panel by Prof. Dr. Adrian Hatos - Senator in the Romanian Parliament, Chairman of the Science, Innovation and Technology Commission, member of the Education, Youth and Sports Commission of the Romanian Parliament; Mrs. Adela Popa-Ghițulescu - Executive Director of Charitas Eparhial Oradea Organization, Romania; Prof. Anca Albu - teacher at ”Emanuil Gojdu” National College, Oradea, Romania; Ms. Aleksandra Stevanović - teacher at Fifth School of Economics, Belgrade, Serbia and Ruxandra Băltățescu - student at ”Emanuil Gojdu” National College, Oradea, Romania.

The conference ended with a closing speech from Cristina Mang, communication manager of the InnoSchool project and coordinator of the project on behalf of Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance of Bihor County.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)