
Regional Agency for Development and European Integration Belgrade (RADEI Belgrade) hosted its second “InnoSchool Days Seminar” as an online event on March 25, 2021 in Belgrade, Serbia.

As first part of the event, RADEI InnoSchool project team presented preliminary results of the recently completed innovative InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) Pilot, summarizing its effects on strengthening students’ entrepreneurial spirit and social innovation skills in ten Belgrade high schools. One of the ILS goals was to promote experiential learning by combining traditional classroom teaching with digital tools – the InnoSchool online Serious Game, with the following components integrated within it: social media interaction and interschool competition. Prior to playing the Game, teachers and students had to decide whether they would be piloting the ILS on basic or advanced level; the difference between the two lies in the fact that the advanced level features additional educational module which teaches students how to develop a detailed business plan of their social business idea developed during playing the Serious Game.

Interschool competition was the final step of the Pilot for those schools that chose to play the “advanced” Game. The competition was held on March 25, 2021 before the InnoSchool Days 2 event, with ten student teams from five high schools taking part.

The three-member judging panel reached a common agreement that the following teams were the best in presenting their social business ideas:

1st place: Team „DuSaNa“, Fifth Economics School „Rakovica“;

2nd  place: Team „DDK“, Sixth Belgrade Grammar School;

3rd place: Team „Young Entrepreneurs“ from „Saint Sava“ Grammar School and „Team 2“ from Pharmaceutical-Physiotherapeutical School.

The most successful student teams piloting the “basic” ILS  were determined as per results achieved in the Game following completion of the Pilot:

1st place: Team “Grey Pidgeon”, Technical School Železnik;

2nd place: Team “Figs”, Trade School, and

3rd place: Team “Fishermen”, Technical School Železnik.

At the end of the event, RADEI InnoSchool project team expressed gratitude to all piloting schools and local Advisory Group members for joining efforts in promoting social entrepreneurship as means of achieving positive changes and addressing key problems in the society as well as encouraging innovation in education that combines learning with entertainment, leading to development of successful social business initiatives.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)